Without my staff and employees, our company would not be where it is today. – A CEO after a successful product launch I’m only as good as my offensive line and teammates; they make me better. – Super bowl winning quarterback I’m truly sorry I spoke to you the way I did, it was out…

mouth heart chart

What story are you telling yourself?   We all tell ourselves stories everyday. Some positive, some negative. Each day our inner dialogue plays out a soundtrack that points us in a direction of hope, faith, and joy, or it points us to a place of worry, hopelessness, and pessimism. If I were to record the…


Businesstry (business/ministry) also referred to “business as mission” or “marketplace ministry” is a growing area of Fiducia’s approach to mission. If you’ve heard our mission or even take a glance at our logo, you’ll notice how we are actively encouraging followers of Christ to “live a life on mission where we live, work, and play.”…


We look forward to celebrating Jesus’ resurrection this Easter. That fact that he was dead and came back alive. This Gospel is the anchor to the Christian faith. Similarly, we can and should also celebrate the “coming alive” of his Church today as well. A pandemic, a corrupted culture, and a growing God-less generation have…


Another pandemic is coming. We’ve now experienced a way of life that no one saw coming. A few months ago I would have scoffed at you if you claimed we’d be locked in our homes for weeks, thousands around us will die, and our economy and world as we know it will be completely different. It would sound…

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