We look forward to celebrating Jesus’ resurrection this Easter. That fact that he was dead and came back alive. This Gospel is the anchor to the Christian faith.
Similarly, we can and should also celebrate the “coming alive” of his Church today as well. A pandemic, a corrupted culture, and a growing God-less generation have all contributed to the Church realizing the need to tell and be Good News to our world in both Word and deed. The capital “C” Church across the globe is experiencing a move of God’s Spirit in ways we haven’t seen in decades. The question for each of us is: “Will we join God in His redemptive story or will we continue to fall back into our old ways?”
I think our answer is clear.
If you’ve had a desire to tell your neighbor or coworker about Jesus, what if today was that day? If you’ve had a ministry idea on your heart for some time now, what if you prayerfully moved forward this week? Now is the time to activate your faith, friends. The resurrected King has resurrected is activating His Church. Will you join in?
Now more than ever do we need you! Our world needs Salt and Light. Let faith arise, as you are called to love your neighbor, your enemies, and proclaim Good News to those that need hope. Amen.
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