Partnership funding strategy:
One of the most challenging things any ministry faces is this idea of funding. Where can we get resources to do ministry where God has called us to do ministry? A question we’ve been wrestling with is: How can we provide a business value to someone simply by doing what it is that we’re called to do anyway (Great Commandment/Great Commission)? The solution became clear really fast. We’ve recently been in discussion with a few Kingdom-minded real estate agents who desire to “farm” or market themselves in specific neighborhoods. Many of these agents are already hosting events and providing “give back” opportunities to these neighborhoods. It’s clear that we both desire great things for neighborhoods and creating a sense of community. The question is, why haven’t we partnered with realtors before?
Our desire is to start 3 separate pilot Neighbor Hubs in Orange County. These hubs would potentially be part of revolutionizing the way we spiritually engage as the church and how realtors build brand awareness and develop their business.
The funding works like this: The realtor pays a monthly fee to Fiducia of $400 – $800/month depending on level of service. The local church is also encouraged to commit between $200 – 400/month to support their neighborhood missionaries. Of this $600 – $1200/month of revenue, the Neighbor Hub family is given an activity budget and a small stipend for their time commitment. Any additional funding will go back into the ministry to provide missionary training, support, multiplication, and eventually staffing.
Who can be a Neighbor Hub?
Neighbor Hub families will have a sense of calling and a love for the lost. These are everyday Christian families looking to live a life on purpose and be used by God in powerful ways. These families are likely already creating community where they live right now. Their qualities are most likely: outgoing, highly relational, evangelistic-minded, business-minded, caring, hospitality driven, and spiritually mature.
What exactly does a Neighbor Hub do?
The 4 C’s of a Neighbor Hub’s role are: Care, Cause, Celebrate, and Community.
Care: We Care. Radical hospitality and meeting the needs of neighbors as life happens.
Cause: We are Cause driven. Using a Canning Hunger monthly approach to feed hungry families of our city, and hosting 1 other cause driven event annually.
Celebrate: We Celebrate. Throwing events for the neighborhood as a way to celebrate life and holidays with neighbors.
Community: We are Communal. Intentionally building an authentic sense of community for the overall prosperity of the neighborhood.
Neighbor Hubs families are committing to a 1 year pilot ministry project. We believe it will take roughly around 15 hours/month to complete expectations. Any additional time given is appreciated and encouraged. The family will host 1 event/month for their neighborhood tract of roughly 300 – 500 homes. 4 of these events a year will be larger, all community events such as an Easter egg hunt, 4th of July in the Park, or Neighborhood block party. The other 8 events will be smaller such as front yard BBQ’s, Outdoor movie nights, ice cream socials, etc. Also incorporated into the monthly rhythms will be using a meet your neighbor approach by using a tool called “Canning Hunger.” Canning Hunger is a non-threatening way to meet your neighbors by using door hangers and collecting food then to be distributed to local food pantries to feed the hungry. Most people love the opportunity to give back to those in need. Canning Hunger creates a way to meet neighbors and feed the hungry at the same time. Neighbor Hub families would be committing to engaging with 20 neighbors every month using the Canning Hunger tool. Neighbor Hubs also respond to crisis, host a neighborhood Next Door website, and welcome new neighbors into the community. At the end of the month, the Hub family is asked to fill out a small summary report on both the ministry and business impact from the previous 30 days.
Why become a Neighbor Hub?
First and foremost, it’s practically linking the Great Commandment with the Great Commission. The nations have come to us and can now Go (or stay) and make disciples through loving God and caring for our actual neighbors. God uses us in great ways when we agree to journey with Him.
A Neighbor Hub family is set up with resources and a platform to have a vibrant, life-on-life ministry. The family will receive ongoing equipping and training in relationship evangelism and direction on how to create a compelling grassroots ministry. They will be given both a monthly budget for events and a small stipend for their time.
How does the church partner?
The local church’s role in partnership is crucial. It is recommended that a pastoral leader meets with the Neighbor Hub family every other month as check in, equipping, and accountability. The church would provide spiritual guidance, volunteer support (life group or others), and a prayer team over the family. The church could view this family as supported missionaries or simply an evangelistic arm of their church. Ideally, the family would live within a 5 mile radius from where the church gathers. The church is encouraged to financially support their Neighbor Hub family through Fiducia on a monthly basis. The church would receive a monthly Spiritual tracking report of relationships developed, Spiritual conversations had, and anytime the Hub family shared the Gospel or connected a neighbor to the church. The church should view this neighborhood as a mission field in their own backyard.
How do Neighbor Hubs work with life groups?
If a Neighbor Hub is part of a life group community, the life group is encouraged to own the mission field alongside them. We believe this will naturally lead life groups into more of an outward focus and begin transitioning into a missional community.
What value does the real estate agent receive?
More than anything else, the agent will receive brand awareness and be viewed as a neighborhood expert. Conversations will naturally arise about real estate through relationally connecting with neighbors. If a neighbor discusses that they are looking to sell or buy, the Hub family is encouraged to point them to the sponsoring partner agent. Our hope is that through relationally connectedness with neighbors, our Hub families would not only be an avenue for ministry, but would help generate future business growth for real estate agents.
What do service types look like for realtors?
We are currently looking at a few options ranging from $400 – $800/month. The lower end would be a simple branding approach similar to marketing seen at a bus stop or grocery store. The higher service option would have a much more intentional focus and potentially have a lead generation component.
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